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In the ear­ly years of Yes We Camp, our projects were too uncer­tain to con­vince pub­lic fun­ders, and we had to finance our­selves, through mar­ket rev­enues, the deploy­ment of projects and the growth of the asso­ci­a­tion. Today, our inno­v­a­tive approach is rec­og­nized, and pub­lic insti­tu­tions are ready to sup­port us. The share of sub­si­dies in our eco­nom­ic mod­el has thus increased from 5% in 2017 to 45% in 2020. This share of pub­lic fund­ing is use­ful and is essen­tial today in our mod­el. How­ev­er, we do not wish to become depen­dent on it, and we choose that our eco­nom­ic mod­el keep a dom­i­nant share of self-financ­ing, in a vol­ume of 50% min­i­mum, thanks to cater­ing activ­i­ties, con­tri­bu­tions, charges paid by the occu­pants of our sites, ser­vice receipts, artis­tic com­mis­sions, advice, AMOA, space rental receipts, and any future receipts for the pro­duc­tion sys­tems we want to launch.