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Financial and administrative manager Yes We Camp Publiée le 23.06.20

The project

Yes We Camp is a mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary col­lec­tive which, since 2013, has been work­ing on the acti­va­tion and coop­er­a­tive man­age­ment of vacant urban spaces. We act as a trans­ver­sal oper­a­tor and co-pro­duc­er, with a col­lec­tive capac­i­ty to design, pro­duce, ani­mate, man­age and com­mer­cial­ly oper­ate the sites invest­ed. Today, the team brings togeth­er more than eighty peo­ple based in Mar­seille and Paris who share the same desire to con­tribute to the con­tem­po­rary world. https://www.yeswecamp.org


With a bud­get of 5M €, 75 FTEs, many finan­cial part­ners (includ­ing the man­age­ment of a Euro­pean grant, the ERDF), 4 sites under man­age­ment, around ten mis­sions per year and an eco­nom­ic mod­el to be per­pet­u­at­ed, admin­is­tra­tive man­age­ment and finan­cial sees itself as a major stake for the asso­ci­a­tion. We want to sur­round our­selves with an expe­ri­enced per­son, used to the chal­lenges of finan­cial man­age­ment, cash man­age­ment and hybrid financ­ing, who will be eas­i­ly and quick­ly under­stood our envi­ron­ment.


Bud­get man­age­ment of the asso­ci­a­tion

  • Cre­ate and ani­mate finan­cial man­age­ment tools,
  • Devel­op the finan­cial strat­e­gy of the asso­ci­a­tion in accor­dance with the over­all strate­gic choic­es defined by the Board of Direc­tors,
  • Super­vise the account­ing,
  • Mon­i­tor and ana­lyze finan­cial data,
  • Car­ry out quar­ter­ly reports,
  • Sup­port requests for grants and reviews.

Rela­tion­ship with third par­ties

  • Col­lab­o­rate and be the main inter­locu­tor of finan­cial part­ners (account­ing firm, audi­tor, bank),
  • Coor­di­nate legal needs.

Col­lab­o­ra­tion with teams

  • Sup­port the Exec­u­tive Man­ag­er in the imple­men­ta­tion of the asso­ci­a­tion’s over­all strat­e­gy,
  • Coor­di­nate the Admin Pole (Accoun­tant, Part­ner­ships Offi­cer and Admin interns),
  • Sup­port the Human Resources Man­ag­er,
  • Sup­port project or mis­sion man­agers in mon­i­tor­ing and man­ag­ing their bud­get.

Admin­is­tra­tive man­age­ment

  • Man­age our insur­ance con­tract,
  • Man­age con­tracts relat­ed to the asso­ci­a­tion’s head office.

The Admin­is­tra­tive Man­ag­er is in close con­tact with the Exec­u­tive Man­ag­er, the Admin Pole and the Project Man­agers. He / she will par­tic­i­pate in project steer­ing meet­ings, in the COOP (meet­ings bring­ing togeth­er project man­agers and sup­port func­tions) and in the Trans­vers­es meet­ing (project sup­port func­tion).


16 rue Bernard du Bois 13001 Mar­seille
Finan­cial and admin­is­tra­tive man­ag­er
2‑month renew­able tri­al peri­od
Remu­ner­a­tion accord­ing to pro­file and expe­ri­ence + good mutu­al insur­ance, full cov­er­age of the RTM pass
Start­ing as soon as pos­si­ble
Appli­ca­tion dead­line May 30, 2020


Per­son expe­ri­enced in the field (at least 5 years),
Mas­ter’s degree in man­age­ment con­trol and finan­cial analy­sis,
Com­put­er skills,
Knowl­edge of legal and reg­u­la­to­ry pro­vi­sions, tax law and cor­po­rate rights,
Adapt­abil­i­ty and inter­per­son­al skills,
Sense of team­work,
Rig­or, tenac­i­ty and respon­sive­ness.


Send appli­ca­tions (CV and cov­er let­ter) by email to: rh@yeswecamp.org and admin@yeswecamp.org